Customer Case Study: Upwind in Action:

Industry: Artificial Intelligence

“Upwind is security for DevOps.”

Asaf Oren
Director of Cloud Development,


  • previously required multiple tools to secure their cloud, resulting in costly and noisy solutions.
  • previously struggled with too many alerts, making it difficult to prioritize tasks for their DevOps & Security teams.
  • needed a unified solution that would give them end-to-end visibility of their cloud infrastructure in real time.


  • Upwind’s CNAPP helped consolidate and replace multiple tools.
  • Upwind’s use of runtime insights provided’s DevOps & Security teams with clear, prioritized detections and tasks – helping increase their focus and productivity.
  • Upwind’s combination of runtime insights and CI/CD awareness gives 
end-to-end visibility of their cloud infrastructure, in real time.

About enables businesses, government entities, nonprofits and academic institutions to make, operate and innovate with AI to accelerate responsible innovation. leverages Upwind’s CNAPP for a number of use cases including vulnerability management and network visibility.

Improve Collaboration Between DevOps & Security Teams

Prior to using Upwind, said their DevOps and Security teams often were siloed and lacked clear task prioritization. Upwind’s use of eBPF-powered runtime insights, paired with data from CloudTrail, IAM, and Identity Center, helps their teams to not only see and understand their most critical detections, but to also receive clearly prioritized tasks. By combining data from both Upwind and AWS, is now able to better eliminate false positives, focus their teams and cut out more than 90% of noise, and get to the root cause of risks and threats 10x faster.

Upwind provides with real, actionable DevSecOps context and bridges the gaps between DevOps and Security teams. While Upwind was purchased for the security team, the DevOps team were major advocates of the purchase and actively use the platform.

Upwind is security for DevOps. It saves us time, it minimizes the gap between teams and they have more collaboration today. Upwind really changed the way we handle security today.”

Asaf Oren
Director of Cloud Development,

Focus Teams & Consolidate Noisy Tools

Prior to using Upwind,’s security engineers needed to use multiple tools to achieve end-to-end visibility of their cloud infrastructure. This often resulted in noisy alerts and multiple dashboards that the security team would need to manage in order to have the needed visibility.

With Upwind,’s security team was able to consolidate multiple tools, saving both time and money. Having a centralized security platform also helps their team to focus on their truly critical detections and improve their time to remediation, rather than sorting through noisy alerts.

We have consolidated multiple products while giving security engineers end-to-end visibility, which we previously needed to use multiple products for.”

Asaf Oren
Director of Cloud Development,

Real-Time, End-to-End Visibility of Cloud Infrastructure

One of the most important aspects of a security tool for is the ability to have real-time, end-to-end visibility of their cloud infrastructure. is an AI-driven company that retains a large amount of sensitive customer data. While previous solutions gave the organization some insight into their infrastructure, they needed the ability to identify any potential threats or vulnerabilities in real time. 

By using Upwind’s runtime-powered CNAPP, they can view any suspicious activity as it occurs and take immediate action to safeguard their customer data and stop malicious attacks. This end-to-end visibility gives them a full understanding of the threat landscape, including across application load balancers and auto-scaling groups, services such as RDS and S3, and all of their running infrastructure such as AWS EC2 and EKS.

Easy Installation & Operation

One of things that the team loves the most about Upwind is its ease of use – both within the platform and the interface with the Upwind team.

While many solutions require a complicated, painful setup, was able to install Upwind and start viewing real-time insights in under 5 minutes. Upwind’s lightweight eBPF sensor makes the installation a smooth and simple process, and the team can monitor and track all of the Upwind sensors from directly within the Upwind platform. 

In addition to making the platform easy to install and operate, says their experience with the Upwind team has been similarly easy and fruitful, with Upwind rapidly developing new capabilities, rapidly responding to any requests or company needs and providing a strong support system for’s security and DevOps teams.

Further Reading

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